Friday, 14 November 2014

Friday Faves 14th November 2014

Yay, it's Friday!! I hope everyone has had a good week. We have had a rainy and sick one over here. I am really not sure what it is, but man this cold/flu has really got its hold on me! Fingers crossed I am approaching the end of this. However, despite the gloomy weather and my pasty appearance I have had some nice things happen this week and look forward to sharing my favourites today!

Here are this week's faves:

1) A weekend with no plans! This is pretty much unfathomable at the this point. We have not had a weekend with no plans in months and to be honest we don't have many more on the horizon either! I am looking forward to hopefully at least one lie in and getting things around the house organised. I also (fingers crossed) hope to get my brows done this weekend as I am looking a bit unibrowed...yikes ;)

Sleeping in will happen this weekend!
2) I Quit Sugar! by Sarah Wilson, I just uploaded this book onto my kindle and have really been enjoying it. It is pretty easy reading and has already explained a lot of things including how I feel on a daily basis. Wow! Eye opening if you are a sugar addict!

3) A little bubbly :) The husband and I had a little drinky last night in our wedding champagne glasses :)

Yes, we had already had our drinks...took a photo just in time!
4) My Elevensy today. Today I have been ravenous and it is most likely due to this horrendous sickness that has been stealing all my energy. I think I am burning approximately 300 calories a day just blowing my nose! ;) So today I gave in to this bun...(before you ask, No, this was not sugar free sorry Ms. Wilson but I haven't started cutting out sugar quite yet!)

Yum, with raspberry filling!

5) Skyping with my brother. We very rarely get to skype with 'Uncle Billy' because he lives in Seattle so the time difference just doesn't make it possible, but this week we were lucky and he was home in the morning (our evening) and we got to say hello and catch up. It is nice to catch up with family on skype especially when you live so far away! :)

Sorry old photo from Francis' Christening!
Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Love the idea for this, looking back on your favourite things! I have a sudden craving for one of those iced buns... will have to wait for my next trip to the UK :)
