So last night I figured I would head out for a run. The weather was nice and after yet another sick week housebound I was more than ready to get out of the house. I told my husband to watch the boys and that I would try to keep my run to an hour although I thought I'd probably be back in about a half hour.
I have just sorted out a route around my area that is about 5.6k. It is kind of an annoying route though as it is a lot of doubling back on yourself but I was really in desperate need of a 5k route at my doorstep and for now I know this would have to do. So last night I headed out with a mind to complete that route. After I had done the 5.6k I realised that I could carry on running, I actually felt good. I knew a little add on area which would make another 4k so I told myself to carry on to that route and just see how far I could go. No shame in stopping if I had to.
When I got home an hour and 4 minutes later I had completed 9.75k!!! Yay me!
This might be a bit silly, but I have this ridiculous claim to fame, well, something I always boast about- 'I ran a 10k once in under an hour!' But I'll tell you a little secret...that was when I was 17, still in high school and training about 3 hours a day for field hockey. I haven't run one since.
After having been running with the mums running club for awhile now and knowing I could easily run a 5k (much easier with other mums to run with though) I am thinking of setting a new goal. 10k here I come!
For the record, I felt really stiff this morning and one of my ankles is a bit tender so I probably was a little over-ambitious with my run yesterday. I think I should have tried a 7k but after a nice sweaty spin class this morning I am feeling more like my old self.
I can now say that I am looking forward to the day when I am able to run a 10k without feeling like I might need to be in a wheel chair the next day ;-)
Are you a 10k+ runner? How did you break into the longer distance runs?
Thursday, 27 February 2014
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Stress/Sick Diet
Hmm...sorry to be so predictable, but we are still a sick house over here. The two boys took a turn for the worse on the weekend and when we went to the doctor's they were diagnosed with chest infections and are now on antibiotics. They are both so sad, tired and feverish. It is really breaking my heart and I am definitely having mother's guilt that I didn't take them to the doctor's sooner. Although the doctor did say that if I had taken them last week she probably would have just sent us home assuming it was just a bad cold.
Unfortunately, I have also got my sinus infection back but on the opposite side! Just when I thought I was feeling well again. Boo! :-(
At any rate, I did have a different post planned but since we are still sick I thought I'd roll on with the theme!
As you may remember I am using the Weight Watchers ProPoints system to kind of keep in line and change my way of eating so it is a bit healthier. I'm not going to lie, I knew eating a whole roll of chocolate HobNobs was not healthy but I needed some guidelines to help me stay on track. Anyway, I have been doing relatively well staying within my points and slowly losing some of my baby weight (Yes, I still have baby weight even though my youngest is 19 months!) but it seems that when I am sick or stressed out (cause my little babies are sick) I tend to feel super hungry.
It's crazy I have been doing so well and then in the last couple of weeks I have felt like I could eat a bus load of chocolate, a gallon of coffee and a bucket load of chips (french fries). I know I shouldn't but I have given in because:
I read all kinds of posts from other bloggies saying things like 'feeling sick, had a lovely green juice'. I really really would love to want a green juice but guess what, I don't, I'm me and I feel like a big old piece of chocolate cake and some coffee, maybe even a mocha!
Maybe someday I will think 'feeling sick, will have a green juice', but today I eat cake ;-)
Anyone else get really hungry or have cravings for junk food when they are under the weather?
Unfortunately, I have also got my sinus infection back but on the opposite side! Just when I thought I was feeling well again. Boo! :-(
At any rate, I did have a different post planned but since we are still sick I thought I'd roll on with the theme!
As you may remember I am using the Weight Watchers ProPoints system to kind of keep in line and change my way of eating so it is a bit healthier. I'm not going to lie, I knew eating a whole roll of chocolate HobNobs was not healthy but I needed some guidelines to help me stay on track. Anyway, I have been doing relatively well staying within my points and slowly losing some of my baby weight (Yes, I still have baby weight even though my youngest is 19 months!) but it seems that when I am sick or stressed out (cause my little babies are sick) I tend to feel super hungry.
It's crazy I have been doing so well and then in the last couple of weeks I have felt like I could eat a bus load of chocolate, a gallon of coffee and a bucket load of chips (french fries). I know I shouldn't but I have given in because:
1. I know this is a one off
2. my body must need extra calories to help me fight my infection/deal with the stress of two seriously ill babies
I read all kinds of posts from other bloggies saying things like 'feeling sick, had a lovely green juice'. I really really would love to want a green juice but guess what, I don't, I'm me and I feel like a big old piece of chocolate cake and some coffee, maybe even a mocha!
Maybe someday I will think 'feeling sick, will have a green juice', but today I eat cake ;-)
Anyone else get really hungry or have cravings for junk food when they are under the weather?
Sunday, 23 February 2014
Food & Fitness Plan
Ah, a crazy weekend in this house. My husband has been out on a cycling trip with some friends and so it has just been me and the boys. Dylan is still pretty sick and I think Francis is getting better but he has been a little bit naughty. I think he might be trying is luck with the terrible two thing for the last two weeks of being two. The potty training has also had a bit of a regression, so I have been struggling a bit this weekend. I could have done with another set of hands but the cycling had been planned for awhile and next week I have two spa trips planned so I should be a whole new woman by next Sunday (fingers crossed) ;-)
Monday- Salmon with Quinoa
Tuesday- Lentils with Chorizo
Wednesday- Sesame Honey Chicken with rice
Thursday- Stuffed Pepper Creation (still have a lot of stuffing from the time I made stuffed peppers in the freezer, must come up with a creation to get it used, any ideas?)
Friday- Take Away
Saturday- Cheesy Baked Pumpkin Pasta (from SkinnyTaste)
Sunday- Roast or Beef Stew (cooked by my husband)
Monday- Run 5k (I hope!)
Tuesday- Swim
Wednesday- Rest
Thursday- Spinning (no running club out to the spa for a friends birthday)
Friday- Rest
Saturday- Run 5k
Sunday- Pilates
I hope everyone has a great start to the week.
PS only one month until my Sports Relief 5k Race!!
PPS Thank you so very much for all those who have nominated me for Best New Blog MAD Blog Award! I am so excited :-)
Monday- Salmon with Quinoa
Tuesday- Lentils with Chorizo
Wednesday- Sesame Honey Chicken with rice
Thursday- Stuffed Pepper Creation (still have a lot of stuffing from the time I made stuffed peppers in the freezer, must come up with a creation to get it used, any ideas?)
Friday- Take Away
Saturday- Cheesy Baked Pumpkin Pasta (from SkinnyTaste)
Sunday- Roast or Beef Stew (cooked by my husband)
Monday- Run 5k (I hope!)
Tuesday- Swim
Wednesday- Rest
Thursday- Spinning (no running club out to the spa for a friends birthday)
Friday- Rest
Saturday- Run 5k
Sunday- Pilates
I hope everyone has a great start to the week.
PS only one month until my Sports Relief 5k Race!!
PPS Thank you so very much for all those who have nominated me for Best New Blog MAD Blog Award! I am so excited :-)
Friday, 21 February 2014
Friday Fitness Faves (MNBChallenge)
Happy Friday everyone! I hope you have all had a good week. This week for my Friday Faves I thought I'd do two things: 1- Recap my Move Nourish Believe February Blogger Challenge which I started this week (Yes, I know totally late to the party. The challenge actually started the 3rd of Feb and officially ends today, but that is to win a prize and I'm cool with just doing the challenge!) and 2- Talk about 5 of my fitness faves at the moment.
First of all for those of you who don't know the MNBChallenge was created by Lorna Jane and Fit Approach to keep the #sweatpink community and late to the party peeps like me on track and motivated after the January resolution fever cools down.
Week 1's challenges were to help get you moving see below:
Monday: Sweat-it-out! I did a 4.2k run on Monday morning all up hill (not on purpose!). It felt good ;-)
Tuesday: Change it up! I was going to go for a swim but I had a sick boy up in the night and didn't get much sleep so I am changing it up tonight with a zumba video
Wednesday: Let's get planking! I did five one minute planks. It hurt!
Thursday: Buddy up! This was easy for me as I have my usual mum's running club on Thursday nights. I ran a 5.3k. It was a good run with nice girls :-)
Friday: Fave Friday! For this one I have to show my fitness favourites and that was the plan for today anyway, so here we go...
2: Pilates- I had to take a week off of pilates when I was sick last week but now I'm back, I realize how much I really enjoy that class and how much of a difference it has made with my Diastasis Recti (slowly but surely it is closing up see previous post)
3: Sigg water bottle- I used to have one of these when I lived in the States and now that I am back into fitness again it was one of the first things I bought. It is a 1L sized gold bottle and it keeps me thoroughly hydrated during all my workouts.
4: Play list- I really struggle with running if I don't have a good play list. Recently I have found it really tricky to get a good compilation of up beat, new music together. I finally have a decent play list and am not bored of it yet (fingers crossed)!
5: Sweaty Betty workout kit- Just bought a few new pieces of workout gear from Sweaty Betty. The material is wicking and so soft. I find that working out is a bit more fun if you have some nice gear to work out in :-)
Some stuff out there I really want to try but haven't yet:
Twist (coffee protein drink), Fitbit (to track my fitness and sleep), Strider's Edge leggings, All weather running hoodie/jacket like this one (NIKE element running jacket) and Yurbuds earphones.
What are your Fitness Faves?
First of all for those of you who don't know the MNBChallenge was created by Lorna Jane and Fit Approach to keep the #sweatpink community and late to the party peeps like me on track and motivated after the January resolution fever cools down.
![]() |
Don't mind the bags under my eyes it was an early run! |
Monday: Sweat-it-out! I did a 4.2k run on Monday morning all up hill (not on purpose!). It felt good ;-)
Tuesday: Change it up! I was going to go for a swim but I had a sick boy up in the night and didn't get much sleep so I am changing it up tonight with a zumba video
Wednesday: Let's get planking! I did five one minute planks. It hurt!
Thursday: Buddy up! This was easy for me as I have my usual mum's running club on Thursday nights. I ran a 5.3k. It was a good run with nice girls :-)
Friday: Fave Friday! For this one I have to show my fitness favourites and that was the plan for today anyway, so here we go...
Five Fitness Faves
1: RunKeeper App- I just discovered this app a few weeks back and really love it. Admittedly it can be a bit tricky if you don't have a good gps signal but I have been able to track all of my outdoor runs recently and I really like being able to look back and see how I've done.2: Pilates- I had to take a week off of pilates when I was sick last week but now I'm back, I realize how much I really enjoy that class and how much of a difference it has made with my Diastasis Recti (slowly but surely it is closing up see previous post)
3: Sigg water bottle- I used to have one of these when I lived in the States and now that I am back into fitness again it was one of the first things I bought. It is a 1L sized gold bottle and it keeps me thoroughly hydrated during all my workouts.
4: Play list- I really struggle with running if I don't have a good play list. Recently I have found it really tricky to get a good compilation of up beat, new music together. I finally have a decent play list and am not bored of it yet (fingers crossed)!
5: Sweaty Betty workout kit- Just bought a few new pieces of workout gear from Sweaty Betty. The material is wicking and so soft. I find that working out is a bit more fun if you have some nice gear to work out in :-)
Some stuff out there I really want to try but haven't yet:
Twist (coffee protein drink), Fitbit (to track my fitness and sleep), Strider's Edge leggings, All weather running hoodie/jacket like this one (NIKE element running jacket) and Yurbuds earphones.
What are your Fitness Faves?
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Baby Bag & Prams
So far it has been another week of being sick in our house. I am finally on the mend but my oldest still has a cold and my youngest is just really unwell (but mainly grumpy!). Oh and my husband, as always is healthy as ever.
So today I thought I would write about my baby bag and the prams we use because these are things that most Mums have and need (although one of my mum friends who has three little angels never used a pram!).
A few years back I had a pretty small baby bag (Peter Rabbit themed made by my lovely Aunt) stocked with a couple nappies/diapers, wipes, talc, cream, a change of clothes, changing pad, some snacks, a drink, some small toys, my wallet, sun glasses, hand sanitizer and some lip balm.
We had one pram, the Baby Jogger City Mini.
When Dylan was born I got a bigger baby bag (Vera Bradley, a gift from my parents) with double the above and the addition of bibs, muslin clothes, and chewy toys. We also bought a double pram, the Graco Stadium Duo.
Fast forward to last week and I realized my baby bag needed an overhaul and because Francis is a big boy now we don't use the double pram so much any more.
Now when we are out and about we are using the Baby Jogger City Mini again (for Dylan) and Francis either walks on his own or jumps on his 'skate board' the Mother Care Hop-On Stroller Platform. So far so good except when F is feeling a bit naughty in shops and runs off! That however, might be a whole different blog post ;-)
Our baby bag has just been upgraded (we no longer need double the nappy/diaper stuff!!), but it is a lot more full. Today's baby bag includes the following:
nappies/diapers, wipes, talc, cream, two spare changes of clothes, changing pad, 2 spare sets of big boy undies, 2 spare sets of socks, an extra pair of trousers, some snacks, some sweets (for any potty successes), books, my wallet, sun glasses, hand sanitizer, lip balm, pens, tissues (lots), zip lock bags and a carrier bag (to seal up any accident clothes). Ohhh and at the moment the potty has been making an appearance in the pram's basket...just in case!
So there you have it. Just when I thought I might be back into carrying a hand bag (albeit an oversized one) I'm still in with the big baby bag (mind you mine's a rather nice one!).
What does your baby bag look like these days? Any thing unusual in it?
So today I thought I would write about my baby bag and the prams we use because these are things that most Mums have and need (although one of my mum friends who has three little angels never used a pram!).
A few years back I had a pretty small baby bag (Peter Rabbit themed made by my lovely Aunt) stocked with a couple nappies/diapers, wipes, talc, cream, a change of clothes, changing pad, some snacks, a drink, some small toys, my wallet, sun glasses, hand sanitizer and some lip balm.
We had one pram, the Baby Jogger City Mini.
When Dylan was born I got a bigger baby bag (Vera Bradley, a gift from my parents) with double the above and the addition of bibs, muslin clothes, and chewy toys. We also bought a double pram, the Graco Stadium Duo.
Fast forward to last week and I realized my baby bag needed an overhaul and because Francis is a big boy now we don't use the double pram so much any more.
Now when we are out and about we are using the Baby Jogger City Mini again (for Dylan) and Francis either walks on his own or jumps on his 'skate board' the Mother Care Hop-On Stroller Platform. So far so good except when F is feeling a bit naughty in shops and runs off! That however, might be a whole different blog post ;-)
Our baby bag has just been upgraded (we no longer need double the nappy/diaper stuff!!), but it is a lot more full. Today's baby bag includes the following:
nappies/diapers, wipes, talc, cream, two spare changes of clothes, changing pad, 2 spare sets of big boy undies, 2 spare sets of socks, an extra pair of trousers, some snacks, some sweets (for any potty successes), books, my wallet, sun glasses, hand sanitizer, lip balm, pens, tissues (lots), zip lock bags and a carrier bag (to seal up any accident clothes). Ohhh and at the moment the potty has been making an appearance in the pram's basket...just in case!
So there you have it. Just when I thought I might be back into carrying a hand bag (albeit an oversized one) I'm still in with the big baby bag (mind you mine's a rather nice one!).
What does your baby bag look like these days? Any thing unusual in it?
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
Just a quick post today as it my husband and my 8 year wedding anniversary. It really doesn't seem that long ago, but well, I guess we are getting old ;-)
My husband and I met 15 years ago in Spain when we were both studying at university there. We got along really well and I think we both thought that it would be a nice romance abroad and then it would probably end, but it didn't. We did the whole long distance thing for a few years and then when I had graduated university and I realised that my first job in finance wasn't all it was cracked up to be, I moved to London to study for my MBA We finally got the chance to date like a real couple (well, a couple in the same city anyway)! After 7 years of dating both long distance and close, he finally popped the question!
We got married in the UK in February (Yes, we are crazy!!) and a lot of my family and friends flew over for our big day. It was the most fantastic day ever!
My husband and I met 15 years ago in Spain when we were both studying at university there. We got along really well and I think we both thought that it would be a nice romance abroad and then it would probably end, but it didn't. We did the whole long distance thing for a few years and then when I had graduated university and I realised that my first job in finance wasn't all it was cracked up to be, I moved to London to study for my MBA We finally got the chance to date like a real couple (well, a couple in the same city anyway)! After 7 years of dating both long distance and close, he finally popped the question!
We got married in the UK in February (Yes, we are crazy!!) and a lot of my family and friends flew over for our big day. It was the most fantastic day ever!
Happy Anniversary my sweet! :-)
PS. My husband has since cut his long curly locks ;-)
Sunday, 16 February 2014
My Weekly Food & Fitness Plan
Hello! Well, fingers crossed I am on the mend! I felt really really rotten every single day last week and ended up on antibiotics, which to be honest didn't seem to help at all but I was desperate. It seemed to be an illness that would not let go: 2 weeks of the cold with slight fever, then a week of a serious sinus infection and feeling totally exhausted. Today is the first day that I can say I am feeling better.
With that said, I did not follow last week's fitness plan at all. In fact, I did not do any form of working out, unless of course you count getting out of bed and chasing the boys around the house! ;-)
I did more or less stick with last week's food plan though. I don't know about you but for some reason, unless I have the stomach bug, when I am sick I seem to be hungrier than ever. I had so many snacks last week it was a little worrying. I guess my body just needed the extra calories to fight the infection.
Today I managed to get to my Pilates class and let me tell you it felt great!! The instructor told me that I have come a long way since I started in December and I should not consider myself a beginner any more but one of the regulars (to the class). This is great news but also it means I will be working on more advanced options during the class which are tough. I think I am looking forward to the challenge!
Sunday: Pizza with Salad
Monday: Crock Pot Chicken with noodles
Tuesday: Out
Wednesday: Pasta Bake with Salad
Thursday: Shrimp Stir-Fry with Rice
Friday: Taco Salad
Saturday: Salmon with Couscous
Sunday: Pilates
Monday: Run 3.5k
Tuesday: Swim
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Spinning and Running Club (5k)
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Run 3+k (depends on how I feel)
Hope you all have a good start to the week!
With that said, I did not follow last week's fitness plan at all. In fact, I did not do any form of working out, unless of course you count getting out of bed and chasing the boys around the house! ;-)
I did more or less stick with last week's food plan though. I don't know about you but for some reason, unless I have the stomach bug, when I am sick I seem to be hungrier than ever. I had so many snacks last week it was a little worrying. I guess my body just needed the extra calories to fight the infection.
Today I managed to get to my Pilates class and let me tell you it felt great!! The instructor told me that I have come a long way since I started in December and I should not consider myself a beginner any more but one of the regulars (to the class). This is great news but also it means I will be working on more advanced options during the class which are tough. I think I am looking forward to the challenge!
Sunday: Pizza with Salad
Monday: Crock Pot Chicken with noodles
Tuesday: Out
Wednesday: Pasta Bake with Salad
Thursday: Shrimp Stir-Fry with Rice
Friday: Taco Salad
Saturday: Salmon with Couscous
Sunday: Pilates
Monday: Run 3.5k
Tuesday: Swim
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Spinning and Running Club (5k)
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Run 3+k (depends on how I feel)
Hope you all have a good start to the week!
Friday, 14 February 2014
Friday Faves (Valentine's Edition)
Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you have something nice planned for today. It doesn't matter if you're single or coupled up today is a great day to show yourself or someone you love that you love them.
My husband and I don't do too much on Valentine's Day as our wedding anniversary is on the 18th of the month so we choose to celebrate then. This year I have a little surprise lined up for our anniversary but I thought for today's Friday Faves I would go with the theme of Valentine's Day.
Top Five Valentine's Treats
1. Chocolate- This may be an obvious one for me but some nice chocolate is always appreciated. This year I am loving Lindt Caramel Brownie chocolate Bars...Heavenly!
2. Pink Champagne- I love champagne and think that it is a shame that we only crack out a bottle at New Year's Eve. My husband and I had pink champagne in our horse drawn carriage from the church to the reception at our wedding so it is a nice treat come Valentine's Day.
3. Luxury Bath Products- My husband once surprised me (pre-babies) with a lovely collection of Body Shop products and ran a bath with candles and music for me. Ahh!
4. A meal I don't have to cook- This is especially nice if it is at a restaurant that way neither of us has to cook and we can enjoy each other's company. Oh and if the restaurant has a nice chocolate dessert that is a plus too!
5. Home made Valentine's from the boys- The boys are still a little young to be doing this on their own but they gave us kisses in the morning and we will try and do an activity together today.
Pretty much all of the above work if you are single too! I wouldn't recommend a whole bottle of champers on your own though, so invite a friend or just have a glass. Additionally get to the spa for a mini pamper session (mani, pedi, massage, etc..), take a nice chilled yoga class, or even buy yourself a little something something- maybe a bangle from Alex & Ani?!
Sending lots of love to you all of Valentine's Day! Enjoy however you decide to celebrate.
Thursday, 13 February 2014
MAD Blog Awards
I guess by now most of you (over here in the UK) have been hearing about this year's MAD Blog Awards. Being a pretty new blogger and definitely new to Twitter (on which I found out about these awards) I was intrigued. I had a bit of a look to see what the awards were all about and off the top of my head could think of a few UK mummy bloggers that I could certainly nominate.
Although I am American my family is all British and I live in the UK, so I think that pretty much makes me an honorary Brit! I guess up until recently most of the blogs that I have been following have been US based and I have to admit that I did have a hard time finding a UK mummy blogging community, but since joining twitter I have definitely found so many great blogs a little bit more local to me (although I will be forever faithful to my US bloggies too).
Here is a little blurb taken from the MAD Blog Awards page to fill you in in case you don't know what they are all about:
Here are some of the blogs that I am going to nominate for this year's MAD Blog Awards:
Pregnancy Blog-
Family Travel Blog-
Craft Blog-
Food Blog-
Outstanding Contributions-
School Days Blog-
Photography Blog-
The deadline to nominate is 14th March 2014. And if I can be ever so cheeky and ask; Will you please nominate me? I would absolutely love to be up for best new blog but if you find me entertaining or best written then I'd be over the moon to be up for one of those accolades as well ;-)
Take care and don't forget to nominate!
Although I am American my family is all British and I live in the UK, so I think that pretty much makes me an honorary Brit! I guess up until recently most of the blogs that I have been following have been US based and I have to admit that I did have a hard time finding a UK mummy blogging community, but since joining twitter I have definitely found so many great blogs a little bit more local to me (although I will be forever faithful to my US bloggies too).
Here is a little blurb taken from the MAD Blog Awards page to fill you in in case you don't know what they are all about:
Now in its fifth year, the MAD Blog Awards are the UK’s biggest and brightest awards for Mum and Dad bloggers.
From babies to business, UK parent bloggers write about it all – and the MAD Blog Awards is the perfect opportunity to celebrate the very best of those blogs.
Each Spring, we invite blog readers to share their favourite blogs with us in our open nominations. This year we have stacks of award categories designed to reflect the diversity and brilliance of British parent blogs, from Best Food and Best Pregnancy to Best Writer and Best Photography.
Thousands of blogs are nominated, but just five bloggers from each category will make the finals, and will attend a gala awards ceremony in London in September 2014, where the winners of the 2014 MAD Blog Awards will be revealed.
Here are some of the blogs that I am going to nominate for this year's MAD Blog Awards:
Pregnancy Blog-
Family Travel Blog-
Craft Blog-
Food Blog-
Outstanding Contributions-
School Days Blog-
Photography Blog-
The deadline to nominate is 14th March 2014. And if I can be ever so cheeky and ask; Will you please nominate me? I would absolutely love to be up for best new blog but if you find me entertaining or best written then I'd be over the moon to be up for one of those accolades as well ;-)
Take care and don't forget to nominate!
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
VIP Shopping Trip
This past Christmas I received the gift card of all gift cards! It was for Debenhams, which is a department store that I love as it carries many fantastic brands and the makeup counters are great too! But this wasn't just a normal gift card, it also included a personal shopper experience, a makeover with Benefit and a treat in the cafe (chocolate cake people!!!).
This was a great gift for me because since I have had the boys my weight, body shape and age have changed. I am also not working in an office any more. My look went from fab (in my opinion) to a little bit lost. I don't want to wear too many nice things as I am home most of the time getting covered from head to toe with boogies, dribble, playdough, etc... I also have to be practical- no dresses or skirts when I am constantly bending over and sitting on the floor.
To be honest leggings, sweat pants and over sized shirts took over my wardrobe. Not only were they comfy but figure forgiving and they allowed me to do my new job (Being a Mum). So needless to say I was looking forward to a little help. I still want to look great but not too old, not too frumpy and definitely not too young or overly trendy. Anyway, I booked my shopping trip ages ago and I finally had it on Saturday!! This post would have been done on Sat. but I have been pretty sick so I haven't really been up to blogging.
So here is how it went and some of the goodies that I got...
Upon arrival at Debenhams, I was a little disappointed. Even though I had booked my personal shopping experience months before and had received several reminders of my appointment, nobody was expecting me and no one was too keen to be my personal shopper. Since I was already feeling under the weather and now discouraged, I thought about just saying never mind and getting home to bed, but then I realised that this is supposed to be my day to relax and get some new clothes which I hadn't done in ages. So I stayed and after apologising for the mistake a nice woman named Sue helped me out.
I sat down with her for a few minutes to discuss what I wanted with regards to clothes. She shook her head saying she completely understood and got to work. I was in a huge private dressing room and spent about two hours trying on a ton of things from trousers and tops to dresses (that are practical!) and scarves.
She told me how to best disguise things that the children may have deposited on my outfit (when in a rush) and how to layer for various types of outings. She suggested simple outfits using pieces I already own like a black vest (tank top).
I now believe that I have a child friendly, fashionable yet practical me capsule wardrobe to work with and something that I can add to as needed.
I then went for a mini makeover at Benefit. The makeover was pretty basic (foundation, blush, lip gloss) but as I was feeling so ill at that point, the girl could have stuck some Vaseline on my lips and I would have been impressed!
Finally, I went upstairs to the restaurant and had a huge piece of chocolate cake and a latte...bliss!
I definitely recommend the personal shopper experience especially if you think you might be a bit lost in the big wide world of fashion after a baby or other life changing experience (new job, going to university, getting married, honeymoon, etc...).
Has anyone else had trouble with their style once they became a mum?
I think certain ages can fall into a style limbo too. I remember turning 29 and thinking 'help I'm not old but maybe I shouldn't be wearing mini skirts or trendy pieces any more?' and my sister who is in her late 20's sometimes has trouble finding age appropriate work clothes.
Anyway, I hope this post helps a bit! :-)
I am in no way affiliated with Debenhams, nor was I compensated for this post. The VIP gift card I used for this experience was from my husband and the boys. The experience and opinions here are my own.
This was a great gift for me because since I have had the boys my weight, body shape and age have changed. I am also not working in an office any more. My look went from fab (in my opinion) to a little bit lost. I don't want to wear too many nice things as I am home most of the time getting covered from head to toe with boogies, dribble, playdough, etc... I also have to be practical- no dresses or skirts when I am constantly bending over and sitting on the floor.
To be honest leggings, sweat pants and over sized shirts took over my wardrobe. Not only were they comfy but figure forgiving and they allowed me to do my new job (Being a Mum). So needless to say I was looking forward to a little help. I still want to look great but not too old, not too frumpy and definitely not too young or overly trendy. Anyway, I booked my shopping trip ages ago and I finally had it on Saturday!! This post would have been done on Sat. but I have been pretty sick so I haven't really been up to blogging.
So here is how it went and some of the goodies that I got...
Upon arrival at Debenhams, I was a little disappointed. Even though I had booked my personal shopping experience months before and had received several reminders of my appointment, nobody was expecting me and no one was too keen to be my personal shopper. Since I was already feeling under the weather and now discouraged, I thought about just saying never mind and getting home to bed, but then I realised that this is supposed to be my day to relax and get some new clothes which I hadn't done in ages. So I stayed and after apologising for the mistake a nice woman named Sue helped me out.
I sat down with her for a few minutes to discuss what I wanted with regards to clothes. She shook her head saying she completely understood and got to work. I was in a huge private dressing room and spent about two hours trying on a ton of things from trousers and tops to dresses (that are practical!) and scarves.
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Flat boots, ballet pumps & navy tights |
She told me how to best disguise things that the children may have deposited on my outfit (when in a rush) and how to layer for various types of outings. She suggested simple outfits using pieces I already own like a black vest (tank top).
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Black shaper trousers & stripy top (this outfit hides mummy tummy!) |
I now believe that I have a child friendly, fashionable yet practical me capsule wardrobe to work with and something that I can add to as needed.
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H Henry Holland & Butterfly Matthew Williamson dresses (with pockets!!! and well cut) |
I then went for a mini makeover at Benefit. The makeover was pretty basic (foundation, blush, lip gloss) but as I was feeling so ill at that point, the girl could have stuck some Vaseline on my lips and I would have been impressed!
Finally, I went upstairs to the restaurant and had a huge piece of chocolate cake and a latte...bliss!
I definitely recommend the personal shopper experience especially if you think you might be a bit lost in the big wide world of fashion after a baby or other life changing experience (new job, going to university, getting married, honeymoon, etc...).
Has anyone else had trouble with their style once they became a mum?
I think certain ages can fall into a style limbo too. I remember turning 29 and thinking 'help I'm not old but maybe I shouldn't be wearing mini skirts or trendy pieces any more?' and my sister who is in her late 20's sometimes has trouble finding age appropriate work clothes.
Anyway, I hope this post helps a bit! :-)
I am in no way affiliated with Debenhams, nor was I compensated for this post. The VIP gift card I used for this experience was from my husband and the boys. The experience and opinions here are my own.
Sunday, 9 February 2014
Food and Fitness Plan
It is that time of the week again. Time to plan out and share my week's food and fitness plan with you.
Since I am still feeling unwell and I'm not too sure how this week is going to pan out with both my food and fitness, this will just be a rough plan for this week which is subject to change. I am hoping that by spending the next couple of days taking things easy I will be back to my old self by Tuesday morning (fingers crossed!!). Sinus infections are no joke :-(
Sunday: Rest/Sick (had to skip Pilates and it makes me sad)
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Swim (if I am feeling better)
Wednesday: Run 3.5k
Thursday: Spinning and Running Club
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Run 3.5k
Sunday: Husband is in charge of tonight's meal!
Monday: Left overs (I know poor start to the week but we have a fridge full and the husband has footie on Monday nights)
Tuesday: Santa Fe Chicken (was on for last week but we had soup instead as I was not well)
Wednesday: Salad with tuna and pasta
Thursday: Salmon with ratatouille and couscous
Friday: To Be Decided
Saturday: Friends over going out

Have a great start to the week and see you soon!
Since I am still feeling unwell and I'm not too sure how this week is going to pan out with both my food and fitness, this will just be a rough plan for this week which is subject to change. I am hoping that by spending the next couple of days taking things easy I will be back to my old self by Tuesday morning (fingers crossed!!). Sinus infections are no joke :-(
Sunday: Rest/Sick (had to skip Pilates and it makes me sad)
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Swim (if I am feeling better)
Wednesday: Run 3.5k
Thursday: Spinning and Running Club
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Run 3.5k
Sunday: Husband is in charge of tonight's meal!
Monday: Left overs (I know poor start to the week but we have a fridge full and the husband has footie on Monday nights)
Tuesday: Santa Fe Chicken (was on for last week but we had soup instead as I was not well)
Wednesday: Salad with tuna and pasta
Thursday: Salmon with ratatouille and couscous
Friday: To Be Decided
Saturday: Friends over going out
Have a great start to the week and see you soon!
Saturday, 8 February 2014
Not Too Well...
So sorry but today I am feeling horrible so even though I had a really exciting blog post lined up, I honestly can't muster up the strength to write too much tonight.
The horrible cold that I have been struggling with for two weeks has decided to become a nasty sinus infection (sinusitis) and all I really want to do is have some hot tea and sleep. I might be able to squeeze in an episode of Castle but I can't guarantee I won't fall asleep half way through.
I hope with lots of sleep and lots of hot liquids I will be feeling better in the morning. Fingers crossed.
See you tomorrow with my weekly food and fitness plan and very soon with today's postponed post on my personal shopper shopping experience.
Night night :-)
Thursday, 6 February 2014
Run Like a Zombie is Chasing You
I get a lot of questions from my friends about running. I also get a lot of questions about the mum's running club that I have started going to on Thursday nights. Here is a brief overview of my experience with running.
My Running History
First of all, I am in no way a running expert. I have always done a bit of running and running and I have certainly had an on again-off again relationship. When I was little I played soccer (football) and then later field hockey. Obviously, there is a lot of running in those sports and I liked it. It got rid of a lot of my energy and made me feel good. It also didn't really feel like running per se as I was part of a large team, playing a game.
Unfortunately, in high school I began to dislike running. I was still playing field hockey and had a very difficult and demanding coach. She was extremely competitive and put me off running and if I'm honest playing hockey. She was always timing our runs and it made me feel horrible as I wasn't the fastest runner by a long shot.
In hindsight, this coach may have also played a part in spurring me on to take running seriously. I found out she was running a local race and to annoy her I thought I would sign up too and get a good time ;-) So it was then, and without any training besides my gruelling field hockey schedule, that I ran my first ever race. A 10K!! I know, crazy. I managed to not only complete the race but do so in under an hour. I think my time was something like 57 min! A year after the 10k I went off to university and didn't run much again except at the gym and never more than 20 min runs.
After university I realized that I needed some stress relief (new job, new living arrangements, new friends, etc...) and I started running again and for a little bit longer. Eventually I gathered up the courage and signed up for a couple of 5k races running them in under 30 min!
Since moving back to the UK and having had my two boys, running has been a challenge. I began getting back into shape again by doing a simple Couch to 5k. It was super tough!! Running felt completely foreign to me and it took a lot for me to not give up. At the end of 8 weeks I could run a 5k, slowly! I also sometimes had to stop and walk, but the important thing was that I could run again.
Then last spring my husband found a poster at the gym that was for an Aquathlon, which is like a Triathlon but without the biking. I was up for the challenge and started training straight away. At that point however, I wasn't so worried about the running (it was a 5k) but more about the swimming in open water for 1k!! Long story short I managed it. Slower than I would have liked but I did it! I am back in the fitness game ;-)
Since the Aquathlon, I have carried on running and have stepped up my fitness plan. I love it! I found out about a mum's running club nearby on Facebook recently and couldn't wait to join. I have been going for about 5 weeks now and love it. The ladies are nice, eager to run and all mums! The beginners start by running a Couch to 5k program and in a couple weeks time we are going to be running a complete 5k without stopping.
Which brings me to my race. Because I now run in an encouraging and supportive atmosphere I have decided to sign up for some races and the first is the Sports Relief 3 mile run on 23 March. I am so excited to run it and as a bonus I get to run with my American friend (also one of my running club friends)!
This year I also have my eye set on a 10k (my first since high school) and the summer Aquathlon. So fingers crossed I will be setting some PBs this year!
Did any of you have a hard time getting back into running or fitness in general after having a baby (or babies)?
My Running History
First of all, I am in no way a running expert. I have always done a bit of running and running and I have certainly had an on again-off again relationship. When I was little I played soccer (football) and then later field hockey. Obviously, there is a lot of running in those sports and I liked it. It got rid of a lot of my energy and made me feel good. It also didn't really feel like running per se as I was part of a large team, playing a game.
Unfortunately, in high school I began to dislike running. I was still playing field hockey and had a very difficult and demanding coach. She was extremely competitive and put me off running and if I'm honest playing hockey. She was always timing our runs and it made me feel horrible as I wasn't the fastest runner by a long shot.
In hindsight, this coach may have also played a part in spurring me on to take running seriously. I found out she was running a local race and to annoy her I thought I would sign up too and get a good time ;-) So it was then, and without any training besides my gruelling field hockey schedule, that I ran my first ever race. A 10K!! I know, crazy. I managed to not only complete the race but do so in under an hour. I think my time was something like 57 min! A year after the 10k I went off to university and didn't run much again except at the gym and never more than 20 min runs.
After university I realized that I needed some stress relief (new job, new living arrangements, new friends, etc...) and I started running again and for a little bit longer. Eventually I gathered up the courage and signed up for a couple of 5k races running them in under 30 min!
Since moving back to the UK and having had my two boys, running has been a challenge. I began getting back into shape again by doing a simple Couch to 5k. It was super tough!! Running felt completely foreign to me and it took a lot for me to not give up. At the end of 8 weeks I could run a 5k, slowly! I also sometimes had to stop and walk, but the important thing was that I could run again.
Then last spring my husband found a poster at the gym that was for an Aquathlon, which is like a Triathlon but without the biking. I was up for the challenge and started training straight away. At that point however, I wasn't so worried about the running (it was a 5k) but more about the swimming in open water for 1k!! Long story short I managed it. Slower than I would have liked but I did it! I am back in the fitness game ;-)
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Please forgive the swim cap hair! |
Since the Aquathlon, I have carried on running and have stepped up my fitness plan. I love it! I found out about a mum's running club nearby on Facebook recently and couldn't wait to join. I have been going for about 5 weeks now and love it. The ladies are nice, eager to run and all mums! The beginners start by running a Couch to 5k program and in a couple weeks time we are going to be running a complete 5k without stopping.
Which brings me to my race. Because I now run in an encouraging and supportive atmosphere I have decided to sign up for some races and the first is the Sports Relief 3 mile run on 23 March. I am so excited to run it and as a bonus I get to run with my American friend (also one of my running club friends)!
This year I also have my eye set on a 10k (my first since high school) and the summer Aquathlon. So fingers crossed I will be setting some PBs this year!
Did any of you have a hard time getting back into running or fitness in general after having a baby (or babies)?
Tuesday, 4 February 2014
Potty Training (Take 3!)
Ok, so here it goes. A story about an almost 3 year old boy and his Mum and their adventures in potty training ;-)
About 6 months ago, my oldest son Francis decided he didn't want his diaper on any more! I took this as 'the sign' that he was ready to start potty training and began to arm myself with all the necessary potty training paraphernalia.
Well, despite Francis not wanting his diaper on any more, he also didn't really fancy potty training either. So, after a week of not leaving the house- at all, ever and serious back ache from bending over to get him on and off the potty about every 20 minutes. I gave up. We had very little success and many many accidents. I was a wreck. It was not my son in tears but me. Have I failed him? Why are all his other friends potty trained? How come no one I know has ever complained about this difficult task? Am I forcing him to be ready before he really is? This was my first (and I'm sure not my last) all time low as a parent.
A few months later, my son said to me 'I want my big boy undies'! I was sceptical but also hopeful. OK, and on it went. For three days I struggled once again. I could tell my son was not really into it. He had more accidents than successes again and my house was now covered in wee and yes, also poo. Sorry this is the dirty truth!
Carpet cleaner out, laundry on, hands cracking from washing so much (me not my son's thankfully). Then he said he wanted his diapers back. Potty Training Take 2 - finished.
So, as you might have guessed by now I was pretty much over the whole potty training idea. Although most of my mummy friends had already been through it, I found little support or consolation in the fact that the whole process was going to be intense and at times disappointing. Well, I did have one friend that told it like it was and I loved her for it. Her advice- Get some wine. Oh and some chocolate too!
As Christmas approached my son suggested that if he were to get Jake the Neverland Pirate big boy undies, he would use the potty.
Jake the Neverland Pirate undies- CHECK!
This brings me to last Sunday night, when I heard the all too familiar plea 'Mummy can I wear my big boy undies?' 'Yes' I said and this time I was going to persevere because I was sure my son knew what big boy undies meant and since he is only a month and a half off being 3 I wanted to give it a real chance this time.
Last Monday morning was Day 1 of Potty Training Take #3. He only had two tiny accidents. He was overly rewarded for all his successes. Day 2, no accidents. Again rewards, hugs, high fives and the promise of a slightly bigger present at the end of a good week. Day 3 a couple small accidents but he was at nursery so I chalked that up to a new environment, different potty, etc.. Day 4 no accidents...We are now on day 9!!! We gave him a new jig saw puzzle (he loves these) for his big reward (getting through his first week using the potty).
This time we have both been confident. We have both been excited. We have not let accidents get us down. We have even ventured out of the house (with potty in tow obviously!).
I know there might still be the odd accident and I know we can both handle it. But we are on our way to being fully potty trained. Next steps- night time training and standing up to wee.
I'm not going to lie, for me (and my son) potty training was/is difficult. Some parents just get it done with no complaints. Some children are ready before others. Some get it right away. Everyone is different. To survive whatever the situation, is SUCCESS!
My advice, if anyone wants it, take it one day at a time. If you have to stop because your little one is not quite ready. Stop. There is no shame. You must do what you can, as you can. Keep sane (and yes a little wine and/or chocolate does indeed help)!
About 6 months ago, my oldest son Francis decided he didn't want his diaper on any more! I took this as 'the sign' that he was ready to start potty training and began to arm myself with all the necessary potty training paraphernalia.
- Thomas the Tank Engine potty (picked out by my son) CHECK
- Thomas the Tank Engine big boy underwear (picked out by my son) CHECK
- Robot big boy underwear (picked out by my son) CHECK
- Candy (for bribes) CHECK
- Bob The Builder magazine and toy (bigger prize for doing well) CHECK
- Potty Training Boys...the easy way by Simone Cave and Dr. Caroline Fertleman (for my sanity) CHECK
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image off |
Well, despite Francis not wanting his diaper on any more, he also didn't really fancy potty training either. So, after a week of not leaving the house- at all, ever and serious back ache from bending over to get him on and off the potty about every 20 minutes. I gave up. We had very little success and many many accidents. I was a wreck. It was not my son in tears but me. Have I failed him? Why are all his other friends potty trained? How come no one I know has ever complained about this difficult task? Am I forcing him to be ready before he really is? This was my first (and I'm sure not my last) all time low as a parent.
A few months later, my son said to me 'I want my big boy undies'! I was sceptical but also hopeful. OK, and on it went. For three days I struggled once again. I could tell my son was not really into it. He had more accidents than successes again and my house was now covered in wee and yes, also poo. Sorry this is the dirty truth!
Carpet cleaner out, laundry on, hands cracking from washing so much (me not my son's thankfully). Then he said he wanted his diapers back. Potty Training Take 2 - finished.
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Went through loads of washing! |
So, as you might have guessed by now I was pretty much over the whole potty training idea. Although most of my mummy friends had already been through it, I found little support or consolation in the fact that the whole process was going to be intense and at times disappointing. Well, I did have one friend that told it like it was and I loved her for it. Her advice- Get some wine. Oh and some chocolate too!
As Christmas approached my son suggested that if he were to get Jake the Neverland Pirate big boy undies, he would use the potty.
Jake the Neverland Pirate undies- CHECK!
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Jake and Thomas big boy undies |
Last Monday morning was Day 1 of Potty Training Take #3. He only had two tiny accidents. He was overly rewarded for all his successes. Day 2, no accidents. Again rewards, hugs, high fives and the promise of a slightly bigger present at the end of a good week. Day 3 a couple small accidents but he was at nursery so I chalked that up to a new environment, different potty, etc.. Day 4 no accidents...We are now on day 9!!! We gave him a new jig saw puzzle (he loves these) for his big reward (getting through his first week using the potty).
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Mickey Mouse brightens everyone's day! |
I know there might still be the odd accident and I know we can both handle it. But we are on our way to being fully potty trained. Next steps- night time training and standing up to wee.
I'm not going to lie, for me (and my son) potty training was/is difficult. Some parents just get it done with no complaints. Some children are ready before others. Some get it right away. Everyone is different. To survive whatever the situation, is SUCCESS!
My advice, if anyone wants it, take it one day at a time. If you have to stop because your little one is not quite ready. Stop. There is no shame. You must do what you can, as you can. Keep sane (and yes a little wine and/or chocolate does indeed help)!
Sunday, 2 February 2014
Sunday Organization
Aaah, so sorry this post is late. Typed up this am and then rushed off to FREEZING cold beach!
Good morning! It is a beautiful day here today! I can't believe it, what is this bright glowing thing in the sky??...The SUN :-) I was planning on getting some laundry done, food shopping, and a few other admin tasks but due to the unexpected sunny day we are going off on a family day to the coast. Yay! But before we head out I thought I'd do a quick blog post with my meal plan and fitness plan for this week.
Good morning! It is a beautiful day here today! I can't believe it, what is this bright glowing thing in the sky??...The SUN :-) I was planning on getting some laundry done, food shopping, and a few other admin tasks but due to the unexpected sunny day we are going off on a family day to the coast. Yay! But before we head out I thought I'd do a quick blog post with my meal plan and fitness plan for this week.
Sunday- Fish and Chips on the beach! (special treat)
Monday- Salisbury Steaks with mash and peas (this was on for last week but didn't get to it due to the dreaded flu)
Tuesday- Stuffed Peppers in the slow cooker
Wednesday- Ziti with Meatballs
Thursday- Santa Fe Chicken in the slow cooker (from Skinny Taste)
Friday- Soup (still to be decided) and baguette
Saturday-Left overs
Sunday- Run at least 3k and Pilates
Monday- Rest day
Tuesday- Swim 900m (had to miss swimming last week due to flu)
Wednesday- Rest day
Thursday- Spinning and Running Club
Friday- Rest (or possibly another run at least 3.5k)
Saturday- Walk
Now that I have my new slow cooker I am on the look out for some good and healthy recipes. Any good ones you know of?
Back soon with update on my run and potty training (I promise)!
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