Thursday, 20 February 2014

Baby Bag & Prams

So far it has been another week of being sick in our house. I am finally on the mend but my oldest still has a cold and my youngest is just really unwell (but mainly grumpy!). Oh and my husband, as always is healthy as ever.

So today I thought I would write about my baby bag and the prams we use because these are things that most Mums have and need (although one of my mum friends who has three little angels never used a pram!).

A few years back I had a pretty small baby bag (Peter Rabbit themed made by my lovely Aunt) stocked with a couple nappies/diapers, wipes, talc, cream, a change of clothes, changing pad, some snacks, a drink, some small toys, my wallet, sun glasses, hand sanitizer and some lip balm.

We had one pram, the Baby Jogger City Mini.

When Dylan was born I got a bigger baby bag (Vera Bradley, a gift from my parents) with double the above and the addition of bibs, muslin clothes, and chewy toys. We also bought a double pram, the Graco Stadium Duo.

Fast forward to last week and I realized my baby bag needed an overhaul and because Francis is a big boy now we don't use the double pram so much any more.

Now when we are out and about we are using the Baby Jogger City Mini again (for Dylan) and Francis either walks on his own or jumps on his 'skate board' the Mother Care Hop-On Stroller Platform. So far so good except when F is feeling a bit naughty in shops and runs off! That however, might be a whole different blog post ;-)

Our baby bag has just been upgraded (we no longer need double the nappy/diaper stuff!!), but it is a lot more full. Today's baby bag includes the following:
nappies/diapers, wipes, talc, cream, two spare changes of clothes, changing pad, 2 spare sets of big boy undies, 2 spare sets of socks, an extra pair of trousers, some snacks, some sweets (for any potty successes), books, my wallet, sun glasses, hand sanitizer, lip balm, pens, tissues (lots), zip lock bags and a carrier bag (to seal up any accident clothes). Ohhh and at the moment the potty has been making an appearance in the pram's basket...just in case!

So there you have it. Just when I thought I might be back into carrying a hand bag (albeit an oversized one) I'm still in with the big baby bag (mind you mine's a rather nice one!).

What does your baby bag look like these days? Any thing unusual in it?

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