So sorry for the delay in getting my food & fitness post up. With all the activity this weekend and it being a bank holiday weekend I was completely out of sync. I think that is just a running theme with me at the moment, but I do look forward to getting back to a semi-normal schedule (although it may be Christmas before that happens as there is about to be a big shake up with Francis starting pre-school in a few weeks)!
Anyway, we had an awesome weekend here. I had a lovely night in on my own on Friday night. I did debate beginning to watch the second season of Orange is the New Black but was warned against it since I had to be up early the next day for my big race. Fortunately I found another series to start Orphan Black but sadly that too is super addicting! Luckily I have paced myself and only watched 2 of the 10 episodes on Netflix!
Saturday morning I was up early getting ready for my race. I was nervous! I got more nervous when I arrived at the starting location to realize that there were only about 100 runners and most of them were running with their club. They all had about 39 minute 10ks so I knew I'd be towards the back. I also learned upon arrival the whole course was up hill!
This is a photo from the run but sadly this is not me :( |
The run was indeed up hill, through fields, over stone walls, stiles, through woods, mud and a huge climb at the end up a very nearly vertical rock hill! I managed to complete the race I missed my goal time by 6min but then again that was the goal time for when I thought the race was a flat street run so I was pretty happy overall. I came in 4th to last but decided despite a twisted ankle, giant blister and muddy feet I really loved the run so I'm hopping to be back next year!
Muddy sneakers |
After the run it was time to get ready for my husband's cousin's wedding! We had a good night dancing and seeing the family and made it home to be in bed by midnight...phew!
Wedding selfies! |
Wedding table decor |
Sunday was spent relaxing at home and yesterday we headed North to check out a few new National Trust locations. It was raining (obviously) but we enjoyed the day out!
Brimham Rocks before the rain |
So here is the tentative plan for this week:
Sunday- Thai Chicken and Veg with Brown Rice
Monday- Fish and Chips
Tuesday- Roast Chicken with Veg
Wednesday- Salmon with Pasta
Thursday- Beef Taco Salad
Friday- Veggie Omelette (just me and the boys)
Saturday- TBD (just me and the boys)
Sunday- Recover from 10k Trail Run
Monday- Day out with family
Tuesday- Another day off (wanted to go back to spinning but need to check out instructor situation)
Wednesday- Group Personal Training
Thursday- Running Club 7k?
Friday- Personal Training
Saturday- Rest (at home with boys as husband away)
Have a great week!