Sunday, 30 March 2014

Weekly Food & Fitness Plan

Hello! Happy Mother's Day to all my UK readers! I hope you have had a lovely weekend. We have had a busy one :-)

We went over to my husband's parents house Friday night so that they could babysit the little ones and we could go out with some friends. It was a much needed night out and full of belly laughs. It is a shame that we can't go out with that group more often.

On Saturday, we spent most of the day with my in-laws and had a little walk around which was unfortunately cute short when Dylan did a massive face plant and split his lip. It is so hard when little ones get injured but man when they split a lip the amount of blood is crazy. I thought for sure we'd spend the rest of the day in the hospital...but after a huge hug and a clean up he was back to his usual happy self.

Tiny Super Hero!
Today we ended up late to a friend's birthday party (whoops the clocks jumped ahead here in the UK) and I had a bit of a lie in being that it was Mother's Day and all.

I was also surprised by breakfast in bed and a box of dark chocolates...Yum!

Sorry about the flash my picture taking needs improvement!
We don't have as exciting a week planned this week but you never know some weeks just surprise you.

Sunday- Duck with Risotto and Aparagus
Monday- Sausage Casserole
Tuesday- Salmon with Pasta and Sauce
Wednesday- Take Away (or something easy)
Thursday- Ham with Pineapple and Mashed Potatoes
Friday- Chicken with Veg and Rice in a Wagamama spicy Sauce
Saturday- Lamb Stew with Roasted Parsnips

Sunday- Rest Day
Monday- Run 5k
Tuesday- Meet with Personal Trainer
Wednesday- Pilates
Thursday- Spinning & Running Club (7k...Yikes)
Friday- Rest Day
Saturday- Run 5k (or Les Mills New Release Day)

Running with Racheal

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