1) Our new slow cooker- I popped in a leg of lamb, seasoning, potato and some white wine and the smell is delicious! Can't wait for supper :-)
2) Our new kettle- OK, so in England you really just can not get through a day without using your kettle. We use ours for a hundred things besides just a cuppa (tea) and when our trusty kettle (which we got for our wedding nearly 8 years ago) broke this week we were distraught! So we special ordered the exact same one in the upgraded model (they don't make the exact model we had any more) for overnight delivery! The kettle has just been plugged in.
3) 24- My husband and I are finally finishing up series 8 of 24. We absolutely love this series and will be looking forward to the new one set in London set to air (fingers crossed) this spring!
4) Coffee- Again, I know, this could really be a reoccurring fav as I simply couldn't live with out a good cup of coffee. Love!
5) My boys- Dylan's sweet smiles and Francis' excitement in his first proper week potty training!

Although neither boy wanted to smile for the camera ;-)
That's it for this Friday. Hope you all have a great weekend! See you back here soon with some adventures in potty training and info on my next big race (well I suppose first race on the blog). Stay tuned!!
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